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The privacy dome, called also Neurodome, is a geodesic structure that includes an indoors edible garden, neurochemicals production and diffusion and a sensory deprivation area. It has the main function of helping people disconnect and relax and a secondary function as food source and CO2 sink.


It's a product idea developed following the Synthesizing Futures approach by Futurity Studio.

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Synthesizing futures

Synthesizing Futures is a four-step futures-focused multidisciplinary approach to tackle uncertainties, understand emerging customer needs, communicate vision, accelerate new product development, and plan a roadmap to future growth.


Futures Wheel

Mapping the Futures Space starts with generating multiple scenarios and solutions. Create detailed projections of positive and negative consequences, to identify the most desirable courses of action.

The Futures Wheel is an extremely powerful tool to discover consequences and impacts of the product or service.

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Futures Cone: Flat

The Futures Cone allows to classify the nodes identified in the Futures Wheel in the following categories:

- Probable Futures

- Plausible Futures

- Possible Futures

- Impossible Futures


Futures Cone: Projected

It is then important to contextualize the different nodes and relate them to the past, present and near, mid and far futures.

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Building Futures World: Components

Building Futures World involves creating context and narrative around the desired future product or service, combining techniques used in stories and screenplays.


Building Futures World: Details

After defining the main components of the Futures world, another layer of detail is added and the characteristics of the Futures World are specified focussing on:

- Place

- Space

- Objects

- Interactions

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Building Futures World: Journey

The next step is to create a story arc and build a narrative for the created world. An example of the journey structure could be:

- Scene

- Challenge

- Efforts

- Crisis

- Solution

- Control

- Triumph or Loss


Making Futures Artifact: Features List

Making Future Artifacts is about making prototypes for fast testing. Building and designing an artifact can also help make decisions and open up new ideas.

The artifact slowly takes shape starting from:

- What and Why

- Visions

- Features

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Making Futures Artifact: Prototype

In this phase different iterations of design putting together the inputs from the previous phases will bring to the definition of a finalized artifact and to the realization of a prototype for the first tests.


Backcasting: Features-centric

Creating Future Roadmaps or Backcasting guides a plan of action in order to get to the desired future, by working backwards in steps to the present day from the future scenario created.

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© 2023 by Valentina Contini

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